최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

전간기와 이전시기 헝가리 지식인 및 전문 직업군에서의 유태인 차별

Discriminations against the Jewish members of community in the H.A.M.D., H.A.A.E. and H.A.L. during and after the inter war period

  • 20

With the end of the First World War, racial discriminations against the Jews or anti-semitism in Hungary became more prevalent than any other time of her history. In the wake of the First World War, it is somewhat natural to see that the Hungarian authorities at the time was trying to find a scapegoat and pretext for Hungary s devastating defeat in the War. Under these circumstances, the Hungarian leadership called the Communists and the Jews into account for Hungary s defeat in the war. The Jews who had engaged in professional works were targeted for racial and ethnic discriminations. In particular, the conduct of outright intolerance against the medical doctors began in 1919, with establishing the Hungarian Association for Medical Doctors(HAMD). The HAMD imposed a restriction on the minimum number of Jewish students who were allowed to pursue their career in medical sciences, and among those who had already engaged in doctors practices, were unfairly deprived of their doctor s licences and being dismissed from their positions. Similarly, outright discriminations against the Jewish architects and engineers were committed by the Hungarian Association for Architects and Engineers. In part, this misconduct was committed largely out of necessity, which means that the Hungarian authorities desired to secure certain portion of works for the non-Jewish job seekers. Comparing with acts of discriminations against the medical doctors and engineers, those of outright intolerance against the Jewish lawyers were relatively lesser an extent. In part, this was attributed to the number of Jewish lawyers and, in part, there held an assumption by the Hungarian authorities that lawyer s occupation might disappear in the aftermath of Communist revolution.

Ⅰ. 근대 이후 헝가리의 유태인 사회

Ⅱ. 전간기의 반유태주의 운동

Ⅲ. 전문 직업군에서의 유태인 차별

Ⅳ. 결론
