Foreigners currently residing in Korean society are over 2.2% of the whole. In 1980, just 20 years ago, foreigners staying in the country were tallied 40,000, but 1,438,671including short-term aliens currently in 2012. Particularly in the statistics, the increase of migration including international marriage is worthy of notice. Although the number of international marriage among total marriage numbers was 11,605 in 2000, it was 36,204(11%) in 2008, which was increased over 3 times within 8 years comparing to 2000. Immigrants through marriage are 167,090 in April, 2009, and this is in a growing trend. The current of recent 20 years in our history that has pursued Korean race and single blood can be a radical change. Even though our society quickly changed to a multicultural society like this, the amended laws and policies include various problems with an absence of clear definition or social agreement regarding multiculturalism. This article will look at the change in multiculturalism of western countries that applied ‘multiculturalism’ as their national ruling principle ahead of us. Furthermore, it will analyze the characteristics of Korean multicultural society and application of law and policy, by comparing the change progress in our society.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 다문화주의의 유형과 변화
Ⅲ. 한국 다문화사회의 변화과정과 특징
Ⅳ. 다문화 관련 법률의 변화과정과 문제점
Ⅴ. 법·제도적 적용에 대한 제언
Ⅵ. 결론