The starting point for a long-term presence of Japanese troops on the Korean peninsula was Russo-Japanese War(1904-1905). The view point of the Korean crisis, amplified the seriousness from the early 20th century, was that various alliance policy of the imperial Powers had escalated into the conflict for their interest in Korea rather than the Korean Crisis itself. Under the these international situations, Korea s sovereignty had been violated and her international standing fallen into colony at the end of the protectorate of Japan, because the Japanese army s long-term presence in Korea, supported by alliance with Great Britain, had designated infringement of sovereignty of Korean Empire. It is not the only case that Korea had experience of military occupation of the foreign troops. It was a common phenomenon that the period of imperialism many countries of Asia and Africa had experienced the presence of foreign armies. However, it is the main theme of my research that japanese military occupation, as a asian latecomer imperialist, over the Korean Empire had been enabled by the support of advanced imperialist of the United Kingdom, not by obtained as the victors of Russo-Japanese War. If Japan defeated the enemy in the Russo-Japanese war, it should have resulted in the occupation of Russian territory by Japanese army or ceded part of the territory of Russia. Nevertheless it is more reasonable that the case of Korea, internationally recognized as an independent nation, had come to protectorate of Japan that it is not a result of the Russo-Japanese War, but the product of Anglo-Japanese collaboration. Although Korean Empire had a opportunity to realize their own way of modernization, Korea had forced to be a country, occupied by Japanese troops, under the international Collaborations between the advanced and the late imperialist countries, which had prohibited to take her own perspective of development of Korean Empire.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 일본의 한국보호국화 정책과 제2차 영일동맹조약
Ⅲ. 포츠머스 강화회의와 일본군대의 한국주둔 논리: 비떼와 고무라의 논쟁
Ⅳ. 일본군의 한국강점에 대한 고종황제의 인식과 대응
Ⅴ. 맺음말