Since 1990, education has been considered as very important part of its policy contributing to the formation and the development of national identity in European Community. Lately the necessity of European university cooperation increases in order to meet international competition. so, the Bologna Declaration was announced, with European university system established until 2010. In this study, I analysed a few institutions and various programs of French-German university cooperation through the french perspectives. The history of French-German Youth Exchange shares that of the reconciliation between Germany and France. Thanks to the political peacemaking efforts, De Gaulle and Adenauer, the leaders of each country, signed the Elysee Treaty(the Franco-German Friendship Treaty) in 1963, and their relationship took changes to cooperation in field of universities’ education. Through this process, the French-German Youth Exchange played an important role. Especially, the French-German under-graduators’ Exchange was not only an efficient international exchange, but also a production of political will that was adopted to solve the hostility through reconciliation and cooperation. The European Union has developed the European Higher Education Area(EHEA) in order to cope with the challenges in the field of educational environment. As a part of these strategies, the various experiences through DAAD, OFAJ and Erasmus program give an important lesson for us, faced with current issues of educational improvements of universities in Korea.
Ⅰ. 들어가며
Ⅱ. 독일-프랑스 대학교류의 역사적 흐름: DAAD와 OFAJ의 역할
Ⅲ 1980년대 이후 대학교육정책의 주요 시행 프로그램: ERASMUS
Ⅳ. 독일-프랑스 대학교류정책의 결과
Ⅴ. 나가며