최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

불소통의 포로가 된 트루먼 대통령

Hany S. Truman and the political cost of the non-communication

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The reputation of Harry S. Truman has gone something of a resurgence among both scholars and the public at large. Surprisingly, Truman’s Standing currently have claims only four -‘great or near-great’- of the eighteen twentieth-century American presidents. Truman now widely considered to have been a tough-mined, decisive, and effective leader who ably guided the United States through the perilous waters of the early Cold War and laid the foundations for American ‘victory’ in that prolonged conflict. But, Rather than a great statesman who carefully weighed various policy alternatives, Truman was a parochial nationalist whose uncritical belief in the superiority of American values, conviction that the Soviet Union and Communism were the root cause of international strife, and a politician who had not ability to effectively communicate with party, congress, and the people. Truman’s myopia, racialism, and nationalism learned through his early experience and education created a rigid framework in which the united States waged long-term extremely costly global Cold War, and domestic political-social disputes and quarrels continued to exhaust the country’s energy and resources. In a Word, Truman’s parochial personality and world-view profoundly and significantly shaped his approach to foreign and domestic policy that resulted in costly ‘pyhrric victory’ and worst failure.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 트루먼의 성격과 세계관: 아집과 편견

Ⅲ. 트루먼의 불소통의 정책: 냉전과 개혁 사이

Ⅳ. 결론: 불소통의 비용

