최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

비잔티움 황제 콘스탄티누스 4세와 로마 교황의 소통

Mutual Understanding Between Byzantine Emperor ConstantineⅣ and Roman Popes: A Case Study on the Sixth Council of Constantinople

  • 62

Mutual communication and understanding among nations have been emphasized in the international politics full of conflicts and confrontations. Many studies of various subjects also now suggests that the stress of fusion and consilience among academic fields can give us new tools for vision of cooperation and peaceful coexistence. Now it is time for us to study the problem of mutual understanding in historical scenes. Most of Byzantine emperors made serious troubles with Roman popes to take the initiative of the christendom in the seventh and eighth centuries. Nevertheless there was the period of peace and cooperation when both parties enjoyed good relations each other. It was under the rule of emperor ConstantineⅣ. This paper studied how the emperor communicates with popes to solve the difficult problems of christian dogmas. This paper focussed on the sixth council of Constantinople as a case study and studied the processes and methods that emperor employed to communicate each other. To make effective mutual communications between both parties, following preconditions are needed: frist, respect and regard to the other party are required; second, a relationship of mutual trust has to be formed; third, the rational process of discussion on issues should be dominated to make consensus; forth, impartial judgment on disputed points is needed to get assent from multitudes. Emperor Constantine satisfied above requirements needed for mutual sympathy in the relations with popes. So he successfully held the sixth council of Constantinople and reached to a satisfactory conclusion on the problem of subtle and difficult dogmas. The council of Constantinople settled the disputes on heretics and confirmed the orthodox doctrine at last. Both Byzantine empire and Roman church got benefits from the result of the council. Good communications give benefits to all parties concerned like this. Mental attitude for good communications is especially required to the persons who can easily appeal to power in their influence and high position. We can vividly witness this tendency of power abuse through Heraclius, ConstansⅡ, JustinianⅡ, LeoⅢ, and ConstantineⅣ, the Byzantine Emperors of the seventh and eighth centuries. Their ways of solution by power all not only ended to fail but also caused conflicts and disputes. Using power in politics is tempting and easy but brings about fatal and destructive consequences. Mutual sympathy is difficult to make but promises to success. So mutual understanding has to be usual means in the relations of all people.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 황제의 공의회 개최 요구

Ⅲ. 교리의 논의와 합의 도출

Ⅳ. 교황의 공의회 결정 수용

Ⅴ. 맺음말
