최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

야고보 재평가와 예루살렘 교회

Reappraisal of James and the Development of Jerusalem Church

  • 35

James, the brother of Jesus was the chief of Jerusalem Church. He played the critical role in the development of the burgeoning Christianity as the spokesman of those who wanted to keep the Christianity within the boundary of Judaism. But as successors of St. Peter and St. Paul who wanted to remove boundaries of Judaism and to open the new world gained the initiative of early Christianity James was devalued and even forgot. Most scholars considered him as mere conservative and opponent of St. Paul. But recently several scholars such as Robert Eisenmann, Jeffrey Blitz, Bruce Chilton, Jacob Neusner reexamined his role in the developing of early Christianity. Giving consideration to these studies this paper gained several points which contribute to correct the prejudice against James and to enlarge our understanding of early Christianity. First, in contrast to the traditional view he was a supporter and follower of Jesus already when Jesus did his mission in the earth. The codex of Nag Hammadi, in particular the first Apocalypse of James, and the Gospel of the Hebrews supported this view. Second, He was the first chief of Jerusalem Church. Most scholars have thought that Peter is the first chief and James succeeded to the throne of Peter. But Eusebius and Clemens of Alexandria gave evidence that James was the first leader of Jerusalem Church. Third, Jerusalem Church and the Pharisees formed amicable relationship as soon as Jerusalem Church came into being. This good relationship continued until James was martyred in about 62. In addition there were many believers who converted from the Pharisees in Jerusalem Church. They composed majority of so called Judaizers. The most important factor to make this situation was that James was a Pharisee or a pro Pharisees.

Ⅰ. 서언

Ⅱ. 개종의 시점

Ⅲ. 예루살렘 교회의 수장

Ⅳ. 야고보의 예루살렘 교회와 바리사이파

Ⅴ. 결어
