최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러일전쟁과 한국문제(1895-1905)

The Russo-Japanese War and Peace Issues of Korea (1895-1905): On the Theories of Russia as a Maritime State or as a Continental State

  • 107

This paper aims at investigating the connection between the Russo-Japanese war and the peace movement initiated by Emperor Gojong. At the Hague Peace Conference held in 1907 in the wake of the Russo-Japanese War, Gojong appealed to international law to maintain Korea’s independence, seeking peaceful means instead of military actions. On September 13, 1905, eight days after the conclusion of the Treaty of Portsmouth, Russian Emperor Nicholas Ⅱ notified then US President Theodore Roosevelt that the 2nd Hague Peace Conference would convene. In the notification letter, which was delivered to the US government through the Russian Embassy in the US, the czar stated the reason for the 2nd conference to be “the problems of great importance given rise to in the course of the recent war, which are closely related to the issues raised in the 1st Hague Peace Conference,” and he said that Russia’s plenipotentiaries would submit the meeting agenda beforehand. On October 9 of the same year, the Russian government informed Yi Beomjin, the minister of the Korean Embassy in St. Petersburg, that it decided to invite Korea to the 2nd Hague Peace Conference. This indicates not only the great impact of the Russo-Japanese war to be brought on the Korean peninsula but also the significance of the Korean peninsula as an epicenter of war and peace in the early 20th century. The Russo-Japanese war awakened the Western civilization to the necessity of legal, hence peaceful, resolutions of conflicts instead of military means, in order to avoid ravages of war and to respect human rights. However, this line of movement that pursued the institutionalization of peace by means of an international legal system, which had started to develop after the Russo-Japanese war, was crushed by a competing line that tried to achieve peace through the balance of powers. The watershed of this historical shift was the revocation of the invitation to the 2nd Hague Peace Conference given to the Korean delegates. The treatment of the Korean issue in Hague was a critical test to measure the success of the efforts made by contemporaries who tried to ensure peace by means of international law. The failure of this was the seed that spawned World War Ⅰ.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 러시아의 해양국가론과 태평양함대 증강정책: 러일개전과 한국문제

Ⅲ. 마르텐스의 대륙국가론과 평화의 제도화: 제2차 헤이그 평화회의와 한국문제

Ⅳ. 맺음말
