최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

전함제국주의와 미국식 집단안보체제

Battleship Imperialism and American Style, Collective Security System

  • 31

The purpose of this paper is to search for the historical background of the collective security system of the USA in the age of Imperialism. The focus of this paper will be two points: the one is the advent of new weapons as battleship, the other is Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th American President The former has a big impact on the international relations of the world politics, the latter plans out the strategy for national security, takes countermeasures against new balance of battleship. For this, in the chapter one, I try to show that the battleship rebuild the of European balance of power from regional security system to global in time of the Jino-Japanese war and the Russo-Japanese war. And then, what is the recognition he 1. Roosevelt about the revolutionary change of this alliance system teong the powers. The chapter two is researchs. into the two problems; the one is the plan of international police system he JR, the other is the real politics he JR for international police for the world peace. My conclusions are as follows: First, the battleship and the global alliance system made TR to create the idea of the international police. Secondly, the target of the international police system is to destroy Triple Alliance and the global alliance among European powers and Asian power, to construct Arbitration system, and to head for the World Federation. Thirdly, the first planner of collective security system in U.S.A is not Wilson, but Theodore Roosevelt. In other words, international police system of TR has been played an important role as a first blue print of collective security system of United States of America since the First World War.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 전함동맹체제의 전 지구적 확산과 미국의 인식

Ⅲ. 국제해군경찰과 중재조약 체제

Ⅳ. 결론
