The purpose of this essay is to understand the background of George Washington’s advent concerning with the stages of leader through the comprehensive survey of George Washington’s growth period(1732-1775). For the above, I will not describe the simple biographic facts, but approach on the deprivation and self-compensation of George Washington. I refer to several study of psychodynamics(Lucille Iremonger, Maryse Choisy, Karen Homey, and Jerrold M. Post). These scholars on psychodynamics published a few case studies to compensate for deprivation. George Washington received a lot of love deprivations from several reasons. Among them, the first is the hurt caused by his parents. He experienced the indifference and the death of his father, Augustine, at the age of eleven. The death of his father put an end to the plan to send him to Appleby School in northern England Because his mother, Mary Ball, was cold, ungiving, and domineering woman, he did not feel a sense of love. George Washington was not an elder in the Washington family, so he could not receive many inheritance from the primogeniture. In addition to, George received deprivation from the sudden death of his half-brother, Lawrence, the hopeless love with the wife of his friend, Sally Fairfax, and his frustration in army for his futile efforts to gain a royal commission in the British regular army. From the lack of parental care or a parental model, George gravitated much more closely toward the urbane and cultivated Lawrence. George followed Lawrence as his mentor, role model, hero, and surrogate father. So, he was amassing land, he sit in the House of Burgesses, and he was appointed adjutant general of the Virginia militia. Washington was compensated by giving expression to the grandiose self and by seeking military, political, economic, and social distinction. Especially, Washington devoted his time to amass land. He was married to Martha who was one of the wealthiest widows in Virginia He acquired over 20,000 acres of the bounty land from the granting of land that was given to the veterans of the French and Indian War. At that time, George was one of the richest men in all of America. While the British oppressive policy to the colony brought about the American Revolution, George was selected as commander-in-chief of the independence army. With this fact, George compensated for all of love deprivation’ of childhood. Thus, this compensation came up to new destiny to George Washington.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 애정결핍의 여러 요인
Ⅲ. 자기보상의 길
Ⅳ. 결론