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KCI등재 학술저널

프라하 슬라브 민족회의(1848)의 활동과 지향 목적

Focused on the Activities and Goals of the Prague Slavic Congress of 1848

  • 17

Even in the beginning the exact goal of the Congress was unclear. In addition to lacking a goal, the conference planners also quarreled over the format and the agenda of the gathering. Perhaps this was an was an indication of how difficult the conference would be for the factions to come together. Once getting underway, the conference met in three sections: Poles and Ukrainians; South Slavs; and Czecho-Slovaks. Of the total 340 delegates at the Congress, the most came from the Czecho-Slovak section. 237 Czecho-Slovaks participated along with 42 South Slavs and 61 Pole-Ukrainian. Each section elected its own officers(Chairman, deputy chairman and secretaries) and designated sixteen representatives who would join the plenary committee. German was the primary language used during discussions. During the Congress, there was debate about the role of Austria in the lives of the Slavs. Palacky argued that the “primary goal is the preservation of Austria”. This point was dirguted by L’udovit Stur who told the Congress, “our goal is oalf-preservation”. Such a controversy was typical of the environment of this conference. One important statement did come out of the conference around June 10, when the Manifesto to the Nations of Europe was pronounced. The statement was a strongly worded proclamation that demanded an end to the oppression of Slav people. It’s important to note that the Slavs did not look for any type of revenge. Rather they wanted to “extend a brotherly hand to all neighbouring nations who are prepared to recognize and effenot ely champion with us the full equality of all nations, regardless of their political power or size”. The Manifesto appealed to the Austrian emperor to transform the monarchy into a federation of equal nations. The Congress was unfortunately cut short on June 12, when fighting broke out on the streets. Later this became known as the Whitsuntide events because of the timing during the Christian holiday of Pentecost. Young residents of Prague had taken to the streets and in the confrontation, a stray bullet had killed the wife of Field Marshal Windischgratz, the commander of the Austrian forces in Prague. Enraged, Windischgratz seized the city, disbanded the congress, and established martial law throughout Bohemia. The delegates left in disgust and some were even arrested because of the revolutionary nature of the Congress.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 슬라브 민족회의의 개최

Ⅲ. 슬라브 민족회의의 활동 개시

Ⅳ. 슬라브 민족회의의 지향 목표

Ⅴ. 슬라브 민족회의에 대한 국내외 언론의 평가

Ⅵ. 결어
