최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

팔라츠키(F.Palacký)의 오스트리아 명제

F.Palacky s Thesis of Austria : Focused on the Establishment and Process of Practice

  • 24

In this study I investigate the political activities of F.Palacky from the standpoint of Thesis of Austria concerning the Austroslavism after the collapse of the Metternichsystem(1815-1848). Palacky, the historian and politician, influenced the course of the history Czech in middle of 19 century. In this period, he demanded that Bohemia be permitted to constitute an autonomous slav state within the empire as in the case of Hungary. He was convinced that the ethnic conflicts might trig the political movements to topple down the Absolute Monarchy System. The Danube Monarchy was such ethnically heterogeneous that a few Germans dominated over the larger number of Czechs, Croats, Slovaks, Hungarians and Poles. But Clement von Metterich, Minister of Foreign Affairs (1809-1848) and Austrian State Chancellor(1821-1848), considered that the only means of controlling the centrifugal forces of nationalism was upholding the one centripetal power. After the collapse of the Metternichsystem, Palacky tried to realize his political viewpoint. For that reason in his Rejected Letter to join a Steering Committee of Fifty at Frankfurt(=Absagebrief nach Frankfurt), he insisted that the internal problem of competing nationalities in Austria be resolved. At that time, Frankfurt adhered to the inclusion of Austria in the projected united Germany. But Palacky declared himself against this plan. In these political circumstances, Palacky introduced the Federalism of Austria as the solution. He believed that the Federalism was the only measure to solve the inequality between the Germans and the Slavs. He worked hard to convince the peoples that his idea was the only way to solve the conflicts between the Germans and the Slavs. However, his idea was rejected by most German politicians, who wanted to maintain their dominancy in Austria. Consequently, the Imperial Parliament in Kremsier was resolved, and Kaiser Franz Joseph I brought the Neoabsolutism in Austria, leaving the ethnic conflicts unsolved in the DanubeMonarchy.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 오스트리아 명제의 정립과정

Ⅲ. 오스트리아 명제의 내용과 독창성 시비

Ⅳ. 오스트리아 명제의 실천과정

Ⅴ. 결어
