최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아 마피야의 특성과 발전단계에 대한 역사적 고찰

The Phenomenon of ‘Russian Mafiya’ in the Process of Russian History

  • 13

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russian organized crime has increased qualitatively and qualitatively. The number of criminal organizations and participants in organize criminal activites rapidly increased. Russian organized crime has involved in various criminal activities including drug trafficking, women trafficking, arms trafficking, money laundering, and even nuclear material trafficking etc. With the great success of criminal venture, Russian organized crime has dominated politics, economy, and social life in the present Russia. However, the threat of Russian organized crime does not stop on its border. Thanks to globalization and the sophisticated technology, Russian organized crime operates its criminal operations worldwide and becomes the severe threat to the World order. Neverthless, Russian organized crime has been little understood so far. The purpose of this paper is to study on Russian Mafiya in the Process of Russian History. The rise of the Russian mafiya, a distinctive form of organised crime, reflects more than just the temporary dislocations and uncertainties of the country s transition from a Soviet state to a free market democracy. Rooted in Russian tradition and Soviet practice, it is also a formidable obstacle to this evolution. This has serious implications for the new Russian polity: weakening central authority, diluting the state s monopoly of coercion, discrediting the market economy and ultimately usurping and distorting the very functions of the state. Organised crime emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Union unexpectedly quickly and forcefully, rapidly colonising the new economic and political structures. Hyperbole notwithstanding, the mafiya does not own the new Russia, but it is undoubtedly a powerful force, and one which has eagerly exploited new opportunities to cultivate strategic alliances in the global underworld and also to spread across the world. It is presently at an important crossroads at home. It is maturing, as larger, more professional networks eliminate or incorporate the myriad gangs that emerged in the freewheeling days of the early Russian state, and under President Putin it faces a regime embarked upon a state-building programme intolerant of the kind of open anarchy that characterised the early 1990s. This paper of the so-called Russian mafiya , which has become the popular characterization of Russian organized crime, examines the accuracy and the appropriateness of attaching the mafia label to the crimes of ex-Soviets. Because of its critical importance in understanding the present situation, This paper pays special attention to the origins and characteristics of crime in the former Soviet Union.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 러시아 마피야의 인식적 토대

1. 일반적 범죄조직과 마피아

2. 러시아 마피야의 특성

Ⅲ. 러시아 마피야의 역사적 전개과정

1. 제정 러시아 시기

2. 소비에트 사회주의 시기(혁명이후~브레즈네프)

3. 자본주의 도입 시기(고르바쵸프~옐친)

4. 자본주의 정착 과정(푸틴~)

Ⅳ. 결론
