최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

인간행위에 대한 역사교육적 이해

History educational Understanding of the Human behavior

  • 49

Historical Understanding and History Teaching is to concern how historical Understanding should be reflected in history teaching. This study examined the constructional aspects of history Understanding and then drew their implications for history teaching. We may say that the proper task of the historian is to tell us, in the famous phrase of Ranke, Precisely what happened but Droysen rejects Ranke s concept. Droysen distinguish the methods of historical inquiry from those of the natural sciences. stood in line of thought from Humboldt to Dilthey. Hempel holds the position that historians are mistaken they believe that it is their essential task to describe particular events. He holds this position because he apparently believes that it is only by doing so that he can assimilate the methods of historical explanation to the methods of scientific explanation. Popper maintains that the theories of the social sciences apply to theoretical constructions or models which are formulated by the investigator in order to explain certain experiences, a method which he explicitly compares to the construction of theoretical models in the natural sciences. Collingwood bases his opposition to the positivist account less on history s concern with unique occurrences than on its having to explain. not natural events, the actions of human beings who are at least to some extent free to order their activities in accordance with the demands of reason. History Teaching based on the constructive aspects of the history is to reveal to the students the teacher s insight ability in the situations where a teacher uses his insight and speculation. The contents of history teaching are not objective facts but the results of historians construction with historical Understanding. Therefore history teaching is to foster the attitudes which recognize history contents as the whole that has historical Understanding.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 논리실증주의와 역사교육

Ⅲ. 신관념론과 역사교육

Ⅳ. 드레이와 헴펠의 인간행위에 대한 이해

Ⅴ. 인간행위와 사회구조

Ⅴ. 맺음말
