Victor Duruy was a secondary-school teacher and school inspector during the glittering days between 1852 and 1859 of the Second French Empire (1852-1870), and was then later appointed as Minister of Education during the dark days of French political history (1860-1870). He served as Minister of Education from 1863 to 1869 and is now recognized as being among the greatest 19th-century French ministers of education, among whose ranks are Francois Guizot, Jules Ferry, and others. Jean Rohr, Antoine Prost, Denis W. Brogan, and Adrien Dansette all hailed him to be one of the greatest educational reformers. Duruy s first burst of inspiration occurred when he met Jules Michellet in the Ecole Normale Superieure. He developed his ideas for educational reform based on his experience as a school teacher, as tutor to a prince, and as a school inspector. Upon his appointment as Minister of Education, he began to implement comprehensive educational reforms. He established a reputation as a ‘libre-penseur’ through his writings, and continuously shone a light of enlightenment on his society. Napoleon Ⅲ had few differences of opinion with Duruy since he saw a part of himself in Duruy. Duruy s educational reforms were unique in several ways. First, he promoted his educational reforms based on what he saw and heard himself. Second, he converted the centralized and elite-oriented education system that had been in place since the reign of Napoleon into special education and adult education. Third, he considered educational developments in connection with industrial and social developments. Fourth, he developed primary and secondary education curriculums designed to effectively compete with Catholic schools, while replacing cramming education with critical thinking ability and knowledge-oriented education. Fifth, he established and implemented educational plans for women. When Duruy s educational reforms were put forward, they were opposed by many top government officials who were afraid of conflicts with the Catholic Church. Nevertheless, the public education and adult education systems promoted by Duruy were different from previous systems in that they became the foundation for educational and social democracy. As Georges Weill has noted, the educational reforms of 1902 included a course that is similar to Duruy s short-term special education . And as Antoine Leon has observed, Duruy s adult education has had great significance through playing a key role in the cultural democracy and popular culture movement of 1936, and in that it began to take root as a systematic form of education starting from 1945.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 뒤뤼의 교육사상 형성과 특징
Ⅲ. 뒤뤼 장관의 교육개혁 방향
Ⅳ. 교육개혁의 사례들
Ⅴ. 맺음말