최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

영국 식민지배 하의 간디 리더십의 실체

The Essence of Gandhi’s Leadership in the British Raj - in the Focus of Salt Satyagraha

  • 147

The salt satyagraha was the best independent campaign of non-violent protest in colonial India against the British Raj. This sparked large-scaled acts of civil disobedience in millions of Indian against British Raj salt laws. Gandhi led a growing numbers of Indians joining him along the way. The purpose of this paper is to learn the essence of Gandhi’s leadership in the Salt Satyagraha. Why should a large number of Indian people follow him? Gandhi searched for unchangeable principles. This is not a dual norm that is different purpose with means but a single norm. Unchangeable principles of Gandhi was non-violence. Gandhi challenged people to meet oppression with peaceful disobedience and non-violence. Gandhi had clear and accurate purposes. Thus, prepared to navigate for the salt satyagraha. His purpose is to oppose protest against the salt tax and to accomplish the purna swaraj(independence). Gandhi’s life was open. He did not differentiate all discriminating factor, religion, ethnic group, social status, male/ female, and the rich/ the poor. His life ended in efforts and troubles to coexist with Hindu and Islam. He made an effort to remove discrimination against untouchable to the end. Most of indians had come to buy Gandhi as their leader and embraced his vision. And then they followed him faithfully. He asked them not to fight, and they stopped fighting eventually. When he called for everyone to burn British-made clothes and to start wearing nothing but home-spun material, millions of people began to do it. When he decided that a March to the Sea to protest the Salt Law would be their rallying point for civil disobedience against the British, the nation’s leaders and many people followed him. The essence of Gandhi s leadership in the salt satyagraha dose not belong to India only or to any special section of humanity. That is the power of influence to change and develop not only the world but also all people. Gandhi is a man who belongs to all of us. I think we should fallow in Gandhi s leadership’s tracks.

Ⅰ. 서론 (소금투쟁을 찾기까지)

Ⅱ. 불변의 원칙

Ⅲ. 명확한 목표와 준비

Ⅳ. 개방적 협력

Ⅴ. 결론
