This article considers the proposal to establish an equal and ideal society in future ages, a project conceived by Esquisse d un Tableau Historique des Progres de l Esprit Humain of Marquis de Condorcet Marie-Jean-Antoines-Nicolas Caritat : To prevent attempts of small number of society to monopolize political power advantage of another s ignorance, all of members in that society must be well educated; Educated men know how they exercise their own political rights; they can have jobs and be well off. All these merits which they enjoy are based on free and equal education. For that reason, Condorcet proposed many different levels of education for all members of the society. Women have to enjoy equal rights for both sexes in politics and in public office. Because women are equal with men. This idea of Condorcet made possible to the coeducation and highest stage of instruction (if possible) for women. Condorcet raised an objection to the slavery. He entered La Societe des Amis des Noirs with Lafayette and Brissot. His logical necessity of the emancipation of colored slaves is supported by two ideas : 1) equal rights among human beings, 2) money saving. The latter idea is based on his particular economic view : Free men are superior to slaves in labor productivities; For that reason, he persuades masters of colored slaves to liberate their slaves and to hire them with a contract of employment. He thinks that equal rights for both sexes and for black and white men are indispensible to establish an equal and ideal society. And this ideal society shall be realize in the tenth and final stage of Condorcet s Esquisse d un Tableau Historique des Progres de l Esprit Humain. So his Esquisse d un Tableau Historique des Progres de l Esprit Humain has relation to his educational projects. His ideas of equality, equal rights for both sexes and for black and white men, can take concrete shape with the assistance of an international intelligence networks, like the American Philosophical Society and the Parent English Society. The Societe des Amis des Noirs(France), American Philosophical Society (U.S.A.) and Parent English Society(England) are co-workers for the emancipation of slaves and for theirs rights.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 교육은 평등한 사회를 건설하는 동력
Ⅲ. 교육수혜상의 평등
Ⅳ. 현실적인 평등
Ⅴ. 맺음말