최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

18세기 살롱 여성에 대한 남성 사회의 배타성

The Exclusivism of Men of Enlightenment Age for Salon Women

  • 70

The philosophes of Enlightenment and the revolutionists of French revolution have advocated an exclusion from public sphere of women for eighteenth century. Although a mutual cooperation between men and women was emphasized for a difference from an ability and role of the two sexes, it contained undoubtedly sexual discrimination. The natural law has given roles of daughter, mother, housewife in home to women of weakness, sensibility, and timidity but it has given roles in public sphere to men of strength, reason, and courage. Therefore salon women were faithful to their duties for which the times has made demand on them and has wanted to stay in the private sphere, rather than they haven t confronted sexual discrimination and haven t asserted their rights. On account of their family s wealth, they didn t devote themselves entirely to housekeeping and nursing of infants and have enjoyed a life of fashionable society. They opened salons in their houses and associated many persons through a visit and an exchange of letters. However they didn t violate and didn t rule the public sphere of men as men were anxious about this situation. Salon women s principle and insistence weren t announced publicly and their writing wasn t issued

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 살롱 여성들의 글쓰기와 공공성의 문제

Ⅲ. 살롱 여성에 대한 남성의 비판과 배타성

1. 여성의 본질과 타고난 역할

2. 여성의 공적인 활동과 덕성스러운 공화국

Ⅳ. 맺음말
