최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

콩도르세의 노예해방론

Condorcet s Theory on Slave Emancipation

  • 33

This study is to examine the antislavery ideas of Condorcet. His Reflexions sur l Esclavage des Negres(1781) argue that many europeans (white men) have racial prejudices about colored people, and that their prejudiced view is resulted from the long subordination of colored people by white men. But he found black people generous, mild and passionate. So he propose the embargo on colored slaves, the improvement of their living and the emancipation of them. He relied upon the legal action to achieve those aims. According to him, if the colored slaves are free, the salaried free workers will take their place. And if the workers cultivate haciendas of the West Indies, it will be more profitable and productive than the colored slaves work. For that reason, he thinks that the forced labor by colored slave is only to satisfy the landowner s avarice. In order to stop the trade of slaves and to free the colored slaves, Condorcet joins la Societe des Amis des Noirs. But this club has not a large membership. The club leaders disappeared, when the Girondins were destroyed in the end of 1793. Although Condorcet criticizes the slavery in his Reflexions sur l Esclavage des Negres , the trade amount between France and the West Indies was increasing, the trade scale of colored slaves was larger and larger. So the trade of colored slaves and the slavery are too important for french economy to give up.(Daejin University)

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 흑인노예는 왜 해방되어야 하는가?

Ⅲ. 노예해방의 방법과 해방 후의 사회

Ⅳ. 콩도르세의 노예해방론의 한계

Ⅴ. 맺음말
