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KCI등재 학술저널

생 시르(Saint-Cyr) 기숙학교 설립자, 맹트농 부인(Madame de Maintenon)에 대한 연구사적 검토

The research history on Madame de Maintenon

  • 25

This thesis examines the research history on Madame de Maintenon(1635-1718), the founder of Saint Louis at Saini-Cyr which was established in France for the education of noble girls in 1689) Her activities and roles at Saint-Cyr school deserves to draw our attention, when we consider the period when the educational institutions were actually not equipped sufficiently and the women were not that free in public activities. Even Maintenon who had devised the curriculum and the teaching methods can be regarded as the pioneer for the education theories which was ahead of the times in the western education history. Studies on Maintenon concentrated on Saint-Syr through the 19th century to the end of 20 century had brought a focus on her personalities and the social, religious and intellectual aspects concerning Saint-Cyr school. Accordingly, in those studies, a following points don t likely exist: a status and a function of Saint-Cyr on a female education history and a comprehensive analysis on the inheritance of Saint-Cyr to eighteenth century France and other foreign countries in the context of seventeenth-century Catholic Reformation. But, in the 2000s, the thesis which was presented by Karen L. Taylor has a profound meaning for understanding the education idea which was exercised by Maintenon at Saint-Cyr. Karen L. Taylor had tried to analyze Saint-Cyr s philosophy and structure through studying its social, religious and educational background, especially the influence of Catholic Reformation and its curriculum. She had tried to overcome the limitations of existing contemporary researches which were mentioned above by her studies. But Karen Taylor s studies showed some limitations to evoke the understanding on the education for daughters of the poor provincial nobility, since they just tried to explain Saint-Cyr relating to mainly the Catholic Reformation. As a matter of fact, Maintenon spend her childhood in poverty and insecurity, although she was from the traditional nobility as the grand-daughter of Agrippa d Aubigné who was the Huguenot writer and the General. Also, as the establishment charter showed, Saint-Cyr was one of the rewards for the poor; nobility who were dead in war and those who got badly off as the military. Especially, the local middle nobility couldn t afford to provide their daughters with sufficient education. So Saint-Cyr was established in the same purpose as Ordre militaire de Saint-Louis and Hôtel des Invalides were by Louis XIV. These things were apparently the rewards for the poor nobility during his period, but actually it showed that he tried to unite the nobilities into his absolute monarch and control them through a sort of negotiatory proposals which might reinforce their position and resurrect the value of the traditional nobility. But ironically, Louis policy happened to justify those who were against his absolutism criticizing the administrative policy of the government. Especially it justified Fénelon s objection. He who had maintained to recover the government from the system which reflected the aristocratic elements wanted to form Woman s Elite Community through education and considered them as the ethical, pious and humble wives and mothers of the local nobility. Namely, Fénelon s educational point was to seek for the practical education to teach the necessary skills to the girls from the poor noble family, who would be the wives and mothers of the local nobility. This ideal was the one that Maintenon pursued through education. And in this point her educational thoughts can be characterized as piety and practical use. As we think this way, her educational thoughts which was presented on Saint-Cyr school can be regarded as the results which reflect the contemporary private, political and social situations. Accordingly, the future researches need to approach on the details of Saint-Cyr paying attention to the fact that the Catholic Refo

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 18세기와 19세기 : 전기서, 자료집속의 주인공

Ⅲ. 20세기 이후 : 교육사상가로서의 부활과 정치, 사회사속에서의 조명

Ⅳ. 맺음말
