프랑스와 한국의 대학입학제도의 비교연구
A Comparison of the Difference between the French and South Korean Entrance Examinations for College - Centering around Baccalauréat and an Efficiency Examination forCollege Education -
- 한국세계문화사학회
- 세계역사와 문화연구
- 제13집
- : KCI등재
- 2005.12
- 57 - 130 (74 pages)
South Korea s education system has not planted its roots properly until now, having half a century to move from the period of pre-independence to the modern era. We have had a lot of problems in our education system, although our country has developed with prominent growth in both quantity and quality. We have several educational problems such as parents excessive concern about education in elementary schools, low scholarship attainment caused by the abolition of an entrance examination for middle schools, and a focus in high schools only for entering colleges, and so forth in Korean education. And, most of all, many people suggested that the last issue should be addressed and improved more rapidly than any others. Our entrance examination system for college has changed into an efficiency examination for college education, but it has still carried many problems. The evolution and reformation of the education system depending upon changing times is important and necessary if it is done in a safe and resonable manner. The education system has to be changed and improved realistically, like the other social systems. Therefore, I would like to study the French educational system, Baccalauréat that has been famous historically and culturally around the world, although there are many developed educational systems in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and many other advanced countries. The French public educational system that was called from the cradle to the grave started with the basic and fundamental spirit of a social security system. It has been acknowledged as one of the best educational system models because it has combined a typical western system and the only French education system since the first college was founded in France in the 12th century. The French education curriculums (not related with races and religions) consist of three principles: a general education system, a compulsory education system and a free education system. The most universal and open public education system in France has double structures that raise high-quality human resources in college curriculums. The most characteristic things of all are general colleges and Grandes Ecoles. The general colleges have been opening the door to every student who has passed Baccalauréat, without the limitation of gender and age, while Grandes Ecoles is an exclusive education system that rears the best and the brightest, who are able to pass difficultly through preparatory proceedings for two or three years only after passing Baccalauréat. The existence of Grandes Ecoles in France is very important and it can be said that a five percent elite from Grandes Ecoles has been moving France. I would like to discover the differences and the similarities between Grandes Ecoles and the Korean entrance examination system for college by comparing these French education systems with the changing process of our system, and research what future Korean entrance examination system is suggested by those results. Through this paper I researched the history of French education and Baccalauréat that has been an entrance examination system, and analyzed previous research papers, thesises written for a degree, reports from the Ministry of Education, research papers from the Korean Education Development Institute and a monthly report published by the Ministry of Education, to collect data. Also, I arranged and analyzed records related with entrance examination systems carried out in Korea from 1945, when Korea became independent of Japan, to now. By comparing Baccalauréat with an efficiency examination for college education on the basis of these, I am supposed to observe if there is an alternative idea or not, after looking into the problems of the efficiency examination for college education that is carried out now. It is possible for me to find problems in an efficiency examination for college education and to present
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 대학입시제도의 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 프랑스의 대학입시제도(Baccalauréat)
Ⅳ. 우리나라 대학입시제도의 변천과정
Ⅴ. 바칼로레아와 대학수학능력시험의 비교
Ⅵ. 현행 대학입시제도의 문제점과 대안
Ⅶ. 맺음말