This Article aims to understand the transformation of educational purposes before and after the French Revolution. Before the Revolution, they are making ministers, lawyers and bureaucrats, even though Jean-Jacques Rousseau advise the parents whether they should form their children under the unfavorable conditions. After the Revolution, the purpose of education become more clear and frank than the former times. Deputies of revolutionnary paliament, especially Condorcet, Lakanal and Lepeletier, demand the gouvemment to have tightly control over the education. Two men (except Condorcet) are in great hopes that all students in elementary school can be workers, soldiers and revolusionized men, because their country is at revolution.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 혁명 전 교육의 목적
Ⅲ. 『에밀』속에 나타난 교육의 목적
Ⅳ. 혁명기(1790-1794)의 교육개혁안 속에 나타난 교육의 목적
Ⅴ. 결론