최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

19세기 후반 샌프란시스코 차이나타운의 경제활동

Chinese Economic Activities in San Francisco s Chinatown

  • 32

The Chinatown in San Francisco during the 19th century was mainly composed of men. Without women and children, the community was that of widowers. The town was not only a center for social, cultural and leisure activities but also a conduit which connected the men and their family members in China. Unlike the immigrants from Europe, the Chinese people in that San Francisco area were accepted merely as sojourners, not settlers. They were never allowed to accompany their family members so that they took only a few women with them. What is worse, they couldn t become naturalized American citizens. At that time, it was not customary for Chinese women to leave their families. Therefore, the number of Chinese men in America was much higher than that of Chinese women. This means that married Chinese men who came to America had to live there as if they were singles. Quite naturally, such social evils as prostitutions, gambling and drug trafficking prevailed in the-then Chinese community m America as an outlet for the male inhabitants suppressed desire. But those activities became a part of illegal economy and soon were controlled by some secret Chinese criminal groups. Under such circumstance, most Chinese immigrants were characterized by such illegal acts, which created Americans biased views on their Chinese neighbors. The laundry was the most favorite business activity of Chinese immigrants, which let them feel at home and free from any possible danger to be caused by competition with the whites in the public labor market. The restaurant business, which has constituted the center of Chinese economy in America, is related to the family-centered management system of Chinese merchants. The dining business has prospered with Americans interest in the special favor and materials of Chinese food. Those illegal business of prostitution, gambling and drug trafficking, along with garment and shoes industries, faded away at the end of the 19th century.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 샌프란시스코 차이나타운의 형성

Ⅲ. 불법적 경제활동

Ⅳ. 합법적 경제활동

Ⅴ. 맺음말
