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KCI등재 학술저널

팔라츠키(F. Palacky)의 연방체제론

Palacky s Theory of Federalism: Focused on the Draft of the Constitution in Vienna and Kremsier

  • 25

This article investigates the parliamentary activities of F.Palacky in the period of the collapse of the Metternichsystem(1815-1848) to the introduction of Neoabsolutism in Austria. In this period, Palacky was realized that the ethnic conflicts in Austria would be a trigger to toppling of the Absolute Monarchy System afterward. The Danube Monarchy was ethnically heterogeneous; in addition to German populations, there were a large number of Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians and Poles and so on. In order to prevent the German s dominant position, compared with others, Palacky tried to introduce the Federalism in Austria. He was convinced that the Federalism was the only solution to the inequality between the Germans and the Slavs. In the Imperial Parliament in Vienna and Kremsier, his idea was viewed very skeptical most German politicians. They openly opposed to Palacky, for they did not want to find themselves falling into a minority position in the new political system. Palacky worked hard to convince that his plan was very useful to solve the conflicts between the Germans and the Slavs, however, his efforts ended with the dissolution of the Imperial Parliament in Kremsier. As a result, Kaiser Franz Joseph I brought the Neoabsolutism in Austria, leaving the ethnic conflicts unsolved in the Danube Monarchy.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 빈제국의회의 소집과 활동

Ⅲ. 빈제국의회에 제출된 팔라츠키의 헌법안

Ⅳ. 반혁명세력의 득세 및 그 영향

Ⅴ. 크렘지어제국의회에 제출된 팔라츠키의 헌법안

Ⅵ. 맺음말
