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KCI등재 학술저널

글로벌 히스토리와 글로벌 교육

Global History and Global Education

  • 59

The purpose of this paper is to study on Global History which was began to grow in The United States after World War Two. Also Its relationship with global age, global society, global education was examined. It was focused on not only its background but also its nature, concepts, contents, methodology, issues and its prospect with global education according to L. S. Starvrianos global history theory and other historians s criticism. Global History was originated in America. American historians and educators examined its history and culture and they needed new global perspective on world history and history education in global society and global age. American historians who were concerned with global history could not be satisfied with the traditional western centered world history. Because Western World was declined after two world wars. They needed new global perspective on world history as one of the global super powers. They named the new history as new world history or global history. The global historians see the global history as unified system and a history of human race, not as a history of a nation state or civilizations. They see the old world history as not real world history. Its historical unit is globalized and unified world history. Therefore their study on the world history emphasized the interdependence or interrelationship among human races. They emphasized modem history after geographical discovery. They thought that a real world history began after 1500. According to Nathan Douthit, there are two interpretations on global history in America. One is wide interpretation that the development of main civilizations and its interactions is concerned by historians. It is similar with world history but it is different with area studies. The other is narrow interpretation that focused on the age of global history. but it is controversial with its beginning and its meaning. Global education was developed in the United Sates from the end of 1970s through 1980s. American citizenship education in the social studies education was emphasized in the global society and global age. The new social studies included more higher global citizenship in the global society than before. Because students are living in one world system or global system. W. H. Kniep, one of most eminent scholars in American social studies suggested that the global history must be included in the global education as its one of main elements.

1. 서론

2. 글로벌 히스토리의 성립 배경

3. 글로벌 히스토리의 성격과 개념

4. 글로벌 히스토리의 내용 구성과 인식 원리

5. 글로벌 히스토리의 과제

6. 결론
