최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

나폴레옹 시대 단과대학의 실태와 특성

The Conditions and the Characteristics of the Faculties in the Napoleonic Era

  • 15

Napoleon established under the name of Imperial University educational organization for public teaching by announcing a decree on March 17, 1808. He named the organization Academies that consisted of faculties, secondary schools, primary schools, etc. in the whole Empire. This paper explores institutional characteristics of five faculties: Letters, Sciences, Theologies, Laws, and Medicines in Imperial University. This paper consists of five chapters titled Introduction, The Educational Conditions and the Institutional characteristics of the Faculties, The Academic Degrees and the Qualifications of a Professor, The Functions of Deans and Professors, The Organization and Administration of School Affairs and Financial Affairs, and Conclusion. Starting with Introduction, this paper explores in Chapter Ⅱ the organization of the faculties in each district and offers various investigations on professors, students, and lectures. Chapter Ⅲ explores academic degrees--especially baccalaureat (such as baccalaureat es arts et baccalaureat es sciences ), bachelor, and doctor. Chapter Ⅳ explains the functions and responsibilities of Deans and professors. Chapter Ⅴ presents a research on the duties and regulations of the Conseil academique, income-producing properties, the overhead, and the endowment.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 단과대학의 실태와 구조적 특징

Ⅲ. 학위와 대학 교수의 자격

Ⅳ. 학장과 교수의 역할

Ⅴ. 학사조직과 운영 및 재정실태

Ⅵ. 맺음말
