최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

장인법의 기원, 심의절차 및 엘리자베스 1세

The nucleus to the Statute of Artificers

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The Statute of Artificers were enacted and enforced in 1563. The original name was derived from An Acte towching dyvers Orders for Artificers, Laborers, Servants of Husband rye and Apprentises . It was a law of forty clauses which were divided broadly into the two parts: commerce, industry and tillage. It was a law enacted from the era of Elizabeth I to 1563 and continued until 1813 through amendment of some clauses as well. We can understand that in a way, Elizabeth I was an nucleus of its enactment in that several measures of Elizabeth I in the era from the accession to the throne of her to its deliberation in parliament of 1563 come under the genesis of it, in other way, in that the content and feature of it changed through amendment of the clauses and provisions of it in the process of its deliberation in parliament through addition of it, the group of parliament became the other nucleus of its enactment. In process of its enactment from the deliberation to consent of Elizabeth I of it, keeping up the relation of mutual cooperation not only between the landowners and the merchant and industrialist which consist of the main group of parliament but also between Elizabeth I and the group of parliament, the each interest among them is realized. First of all, the group of the landowners and the merchant and industrialist in parliament gave attention to the mutual profit, standing by each position. Elizabeth I realized her policy controlling the management of parliament about the process of deliberation of it, throughout the Privy Council , but in other way, cannot help acknowledging and protecting the interest of group of parliament because the main group of parliament form the financial and military foundation of her. Elizabeth I cannot but have different interest from the group of parliament in some measures, to pursue the objective of the maintainment of order tensely and consistently. Elizabeth I cannot help searching the other objectives of the stability of society as well as consolidating the objective of social and economic base of Elizabeth I and the group of parliament.

Ⅰ. 서언

Ⅱ. 장인법의 기원과 엘리자베스 1세

Ⅲ. 장인법의 심의절차와 엘리자베스 1세의 이해관계

Ⅳ. 결어
