In the late 60s the radical german student movement took issue with Emergency Power Act and Springer Press-Group in the domestic political conditions. The radical german students understood these political and social issues not only as crisis of democray but also as post-fascistic symptoms, which they had interpreted in terms of neo-marxist fascism anlaysis. Above all they regarded Fascism as the alternative political system, whenever capitalism in crisis can make a choice. So they understood that the struggle against Emergency Power Act was for the survival democray, during the struggle against Springer Press-Group , which was believed by them to manipulate the manipulation of consciousness, was the protest again consciousness-manipulation system. After all, the revolt of german students intended to criticize the politic and social system and formal democray in the Federal Republic of German since 1945 and to create new democratc plan. In the concrete praxis, howere, their critique was inclined to use violence.
1. 머리말
2. 비상사태법 : 후기 파시즘 체제로서 전후 독일 연방공화국
3. 반슈프링어 투쟁 : 체제의 의식조작
4. 맺음말