최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

멕시코 디아스 정권 초기 이데올로기 문제

The Political Ideology in the Diaz Government, Mexico

  • 36

This thesis examined the relationship between Positivism as political ideology and the process of the Diaz government power consolidation. Positivism served to establish an ex post facto rationalization for the Diaz state. The state elite adopted positivism in an effort to maintain a firm control over the state machinery. Such efforts remained concentrated at the elite level of Mexican society. Positivism also functioned to provide a favorable climate for foreign investors. The Diaz government relied on an elite educational system to further disseminate a positivist ideology. In addition, the Diaz state developed a patronage system to meet the exigencies of state power consolidation. Reliance on a positivist educational system thus became augmented by an intricately designed network of patron-client relationships.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 포르피리안 실증주의의 이념적 토대

Ⅲ. 디아스 정권의 지배 이데올로기 : 포르피리안 실증주의

Ⅳ. 디아스 정권의 지지세력

Ⅴ. 맺음말
