최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

아테네 트리에라르키아(τϱιηϱαϱχία)의 기원과 성격

The Origin of the Trierarchy and its Social Relations in Ancient Greece - Focused on a Navy Bill and a Decree of Themistokles -

  • 19

Trierarchy was a leitorgia, which the richest citizens could be called on to perform public-services for a year at Athens in the 5th and 4th centuries BC. Trierarch means trireme-commander but he is not only to command the ship but also to bear the cost of the maintenance and repair. Trierarchy was probably established between the last quarter of the 6th century and 480 BC. Thanks to the discovery of the silver mines in the south of Attika(Maroneia, Laureion) in 483 BC, Athens built one hundred trirems at Themistokles disposal. According to Themistokles navy bill, one hundred talents was deposited with the hundred richest men of Athens who had triremes built from this money(AP. 22.7). I think that richest men in this navy bill reflect two points. The one is the rising of the wealth. They came into military and political world by developing sea-trade. The other is the possibility that the richest men could be converted to trierarchs. It is indirectly verified by the distribution of belonging demes of leitourgia in 5th century BC, which was concentrated near seaside and city. The first record on trierach was inscribed on Themistokles Decree (line 18-23, ML. No.23) in 480 Be. This inscription explained how to appoint trierarch and his requisition. Trierarchy was needed land and house possession within Attica and a legitimate son. It shows trierarch s military importance. For this requsition was involved to a high-ranking politicians such as strategos(generals) who appointed trierarchs. So it is possible that the trierarchs were connected politically because most of the strategos were politicians in 5th century Be. To clear trierarchs political relations, I compared trierarchs who acted politically and didn t. But only 3.27% (4 of 327 leitourgia) was in politics. However the case of Lykomedes who performed trierarch in 480 Be shows that they had political orientation, especially democratic will. I think that the other side of the trierarch s military obligation is the increasing power of the wealth and their ascending political status. Also it may reflect decreasing influence of traditional aristocrats.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 트리에라르키아의 기원

Ⅲ. 트리에라르키아의 성격

Ⅳ. 결론
