최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

메이지초기 서양예능의 도입과 전통예능에 미친 영향

Introduction and Influence of Western Performing Arts in the Early Meiji Period : Focused on ‘Western Circus’

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The process of circus was introduced into Japan during the Meiji period is interesting. This was based on the traditional Japanese amusement called Misemono(見世物). At first, this was called “Western Kyokuba(西洋曲馬)” because it was similar to Kyokuba(曲馬), which means Japanese acrobatics using horsemanship. However, circus was one of the undoubted Western cultures that flown into Japan through the Japanese entertainment of the Western circus. When the circus was introduced, a residence scheme regulation existed in Japan. Under this system, foreigners were only allowed to live within designated areas (foreign settlement). However, places where Misemono was performing mainly in Tokyo were out of the foreign settlement such as Asakusa. This was an obstacle for Western entertainers to enter Japan. However, the Meiji government’s ‘Civilization and Enlightenment(文明開化)’ policy was focused on adopting Western civilization, and eventually the Western circus culture overcame the foreign concession residence scheme regulation. By the 1880s it was prominent that the residence scheme regulation eased off. The circus became a big hit; Japanese circus troupe was formed and settled in Japanese society. Conversely, the popularity of traditional Japanese amusement declined. In conclusion, it would be possible to reevaluate the characteristics of the Meiji period in consideration of the Western circus culture influx. The acceptance of Western culture requires slow progress and conflict between tradition and Western culture in society.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 메이지초기 서양인 서커스단의 내일(來日)과 공연

Ⅲ. 거류지제도와 서양인 서커스단의 도쿄 공연

Ⅳ. 서양인 서커스단과 전통예능의 변화

Ⅴ. 맺음말
