최근 검색어 전체 삭제

제주 오름의 휴식년제에 대한 방문객 인식

On Visiotors’ Recognitions of Yearly Breaks of Jeju Oreum

DOI : 10.24907/jtir.2019.
  • 68

Purpose – The purpose ot this study is to analyze current Oreum s yearly breaks by surveying the visitors and find ways to utilize the Oreum in the sustainable tourism resources and Oreum management. Research design, data, and methodology - The research methodology will be reviewed first through reviewing and analyzing the previous researches, and the outline of the ascension, social and cultural value, the effect of the introduction of the Orum s yearly breaks and the operation status. The questionnaires were verified through the pilot test which based on the previous research and related experts opinions. After that, this questionnaire was collected and statistical analysis was carried out, and implications were derived based on the analysis results. Result - The results of the analysis showed that the regression equations are statistically significant in all of the three dependent variables, and all the influencing factors are significant at the statistical significance level of 5% when the dependent variable is satisfied. In addition, when the dependent variable is another recommendation, the remaining factors except for the facility factor are meaningful at the statistical significance level of 10%. In the case of the dependent variable revisit, only 10% of the control factors and the legal factors are significant at the statistical significance level. Conclusion - First, from the results of multiple regression analysis, attraction, facility, admission control, information provision, legal factors were found to be the main factors in the satisfaction of visitor, and this result showed that understanding of the value of ascension described in this study, is needed. Second, it is important to note that awareness of visitors about yearly break is not high, but awareness of implementation is positive. Lastly, the visitors are in favor of the high rate of various systems to preserve the natural environment and ecological value of Jeju-Oreum, such as the reservation visit system, the one day visit limit system, is encouraging.If the basis for the overall ecological survey and conservation and management of the Oreums are provided, such activities will be the promotion of tourism products and will form the foundation for the sustainable tourism resources of Jeju-Oreum.

1. 서론

2. 이론적 고찰

3. 연구방법

4. 조사 분석 결과

5. 결론

