21세기 패션컬렉션에 나타난 마들렌 비오네(Madeleine Vionnet) 의상 실루엣 분석
An Analysis on the Madeleine Vionnet’s Clothing Silhouette in 21st Century Collection
- 전남대학교 생활과학연구소
- 生活科學硏究
- 生活科學硏究 第28輯
- 2018.12
- 87 - 95 (9 pages)
Madeleine Vionnet, who specifically applied art and geometric logic to modern fashion, created a unique new formality with a three-dimensional silhouette and a fashion philosophy based on human natural beauty and movement. Like this, Madeleine Vionnet brought fashion designs to an artistic level, and the design gave them the best of women’s beauty. The geometric patterns expressed in Vionnet’s work were divided into three categories: the pattern of the first square, the pattern of the second circle, and the pattern of the third triangle. Based on the results of the classification of Madeleine Vionnet’s geometric patterns, this study analyzed silhouettes applied to the 21st century fashion collection. Among the collection data of 2016 (19.1%) was the bulk of the silhouette type: Silhouette morphological elements H-line 40 pieces (36.4%), X-line 33 pieces (30%), A-line 28 pieces (25.4%) and Bulk silhouette 9 pieces (8.2%). Most of the patterns in the square were H-line, while the pattern of the circle showed the A-line, Bulk silhouette, and the triangle was X-line to create various silhouettes. Thus, in looking at Madeleine Vionnet’s collection from a modern point of view, various geometric patterns were well represented by artistic characteristics, and in the collection of the 21st century the relationship between fashion design and geometry was solid.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 1930년대와 마들렌 비오네의 등장배경
Ⅲ. 마들렌 비오네의 기하하적 패턴과 실루엣
Ⅳ. 기하학적 패턴분류에 따른 21세기 마들렌 비오네 컬렉션 분석
Ⅴ. 결 론