身体政治理论视角下的朝鲜前中期 烈女现象研究
Research on the Phenomenon of YeolNyeo in Early and Middle Chosun Dynasty from the Perspective of Theory of Body Politics
- 순천향대학교 인문학연구소
- 순천향 인문과학논총
- 38권 1호
- : KCI등재
- 2019.03
- 81 - 103 (23 pages)
韩国处于东亚儒家文化圈,传统儒学中 男女有别”、“男尊女卑” 等观念对女 性贞节提出了要求,由此古代韩国出现了顺应这一要求的 “烈女” 现象。但就现 代性别议题的发展来看,仅解读历史或性别因素显然不够充分,性别中不平等的 权力关系是当前性别问题探讨的一大热点。本文将尝试以福柯的身体政治理论为 研究视角和框架,在把握历史背景的基础上,分析朝鲜前中期的烈女现象,揭示 其背后的权力关系及运作机制,为当代社会性别问题探讨提供新的思路和参照。
According to opinions such as “male-female distinction”, “superior status of men” in traditional Confucianism, chastity is required for females. To comply with this requirement, in ancient Korea, a country under the influence of Confucian culture circle, the phenomenon of YeolNeo(열녀, 烈女, Chaste Women) occurred. However, the focus on historical or gender factors proved insufficient for the discussion of modern gender issues, while the unequal political power relations between males and females should also be considered as an important factor. From the perspective of Foucault’ s theory of body politics, this paper tries to analyze the phenomenon of YeolNeo in Early and Middle Chosun Dynasty on the basis of the historical background, and to reveal the power relations and the mechanism of power behind this phenomenon. Hopefully, this paper will provide a new perspective on the studies of modern gender issues.
Ⅰ. 序论
Ⅱ. 理论关照:政治、权力与身体
Ⅲ. 历史背景:朝鲜王朝烈女观念的产生
Ⅳ. 烈女政策:规训权力的运作手段
Ⅴ. 烈女群像:规训权力的运作结果
Ⅵ. 结论