A Practical Study on the Teaching Mode of “One Day Teacher” Activity in the Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
- 대한중국학회
- 중국학(구중국어문론집)
- 中國學 第66輯
- : KCI등재
- 2019.03
- 193 - 212 (20 pages)
This thesis summarizes the author s experiences in the course of the first class session of the Chinese language class-from the design of classroom mode to the implementation of this activity by students. After the activity, a questionnaire survey was conducted and the survey results were analyzed and summarized. Through the questionnaire, the author analyzed students’ satisfaction degree of “one-day teacher” activity. The questionnaire survey was conducted from several perspectives, including satisfaction, learning effect, self attitude towards this “one-day teacher” activity and what needs to be improved. The results were, to say the least, encouraging. From all aspects of the good evaluation. We can judge that the implementation of this “one-day teacher” activity in the Chinese language class is completely feasible. Although the feasibility of “one-day teacher” activity has been proved, how to better apply it in Chinese class is the next problem that needs to be improved and further studied. The object of this study is the Chinese learners at the intermediate level in the lower grade. How to carry out this activity for learners at different Chinese level? A series of problems will be further studied and discussed.
1. 绪论
2. 教学模式概念的界定及前人研究
1) “一日教师”活动的概念界定
2) 前人研究
3. “一日教师”活动应用于汉语会话课的实例
1) 研究对象及步骤
2) 课堂模式的设计及学生实施活动情况
4. 活动满意度调查
5. 结论