中国当前正处于经济转型的关键时期, 与日本“过劳致死”频发所处阶段相类似, 这对劳动者保障制度的建设亮起了警示灯。2018年两会期间, 遏制“加班文化”, 避 免“过劳死”成为热点议题。从二十世纪九十年代的唐英才事件到近期被陆续爆出 的IT从业者以及高校教师、模特猝死等众多事件, “过劳致死”的受害者从体力劳动 者开始蔓延到脑力劳动者, 受害者工作行业范围的扩大化以及年轻化都不约而同 地折射出当前“过劳致死”现象的严重性。即便如此, “过劳致死”方面的立法仍处于 灰色模糊地段, 虽有与之相关的立法却不尽明确。这种模糊不清的立法状态往往 导致了用人单位肆无忌惮压榨劳动者致死而受害者的近亲属却维权困难的尴尬处 境, “过劳致死”形势愈发严峻。 为了尽量避免职工“过劳致死”悲剧的发生, 最大化地维护劳动者权益, 特撰写此 论文希望对职工“过劳致死”立法规制推进有所裨益。撰写论文时主要运用了文献 阅读法与计量统计法以及比较分析法。通过阅读大量文献, 综合各学者的理念,对职工“过劳致死”的概念及性质作出界定分析, 利用计量统计法对国内目前理论 研究进行分析探讨, 简要概述中国目前的研究现状, 最后利用比较分析法对域外 相关措施进行分析借鉴, 结合中国基本国情, 为职工“过劳致死”的法律制度构建提 出具有创新性以及可操作性的举措。
China is currently in a critical period of economic transformation. It is similar to the phase in which Japan’s “KAROSHI” deaths frequently occurred. This is a warning light for the construction of the labor protection system in China. During the two sessions in 2018, curbing the “overtime culture” to avoid “KAROSHI” has become a hot topic. From the events of Tang Yingcai in the 1990s to the recent explosion of IT practitioners and the sudden death of college teachers and models, victims of “KAROSHI” began to spread from manual workers to mental workers. The expansion of the scope of the work of the victim’s work industry and the rejuvenation of youth all reflect the seriousness of the “KAROSHI” phenomenon in China. Even so, our country’s legislation on “KAROSHI” is still in a gray and fuzzy area, although the relevant legislation is not clear. This ambiguous state of legislation often leads to an unfair situation in which the employer unscrupulously squeezes the workers to death and the close relatives of the victims but they are difficult to defend their rights. The situation of “KAROSHI” has become increasingly severe. In order to avoid the tragedy of “overworked death” as far as possible, and to maximize the protection of workers’ rights and interests, this paper is intended to be beneficial to the legislative regulation of “overworked death” in China. Literature reading method, metrological statistics method and comparative analysis method are mainly used in the writing of this paper. By reading a large number of documents, synthesizing the ideas of various scholars, defining and analyzing the concept and nature of “overworked death” for workers, using the method of econometric statistics to analyze and discuss the current theoretical research in China, the present research situation in China is briefly summarized. In the end, the author uses comparative analysis method to analyze and draw lessons from the relevant measures outside China, and puts forward innovative and operable measures for the construction of legal system of “overworked death” for workers in combination with the basic conditions of China.
1. 中国职工“过劳致死”的理论基础探究
2. 中国职工“过劳致死”相关法律制度及 缺陷
3. 中国职工“过劳致死”相关制度完 善措施 结语