최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

삼국시대 木柵에 대한 考察 -백제를 중심으로-

Investigation of Wooden Barricades in the Three Kingdoms Period -Focusing on Baekje-

  • 67

목책은 청동기시대부터조선시대까지 줄곧만들어졌는데, 주변의 수목을 활용하여 여러형태로만들어졌다. 특히삼국시대부터는敵의침입을방어하기위해주로산고개나하천변에구축되었다. 목책은 주위에서 쉽게 구할 수 있는 나무을 활용하여 적은 人力으로 신속하게 구축할수 있다는 장점이 있었기 때문에 경제적으로도 효율성이 뛰어났다. 그러나, 火攻이나 投石戰에 약하고, 계절적인 영향으로 인해 나무가부식되는등단점이있기때문에장기적인운용이어렵다. 그럼에도불구하고삼국은오랜기간동안목책을활용하였고, 단점을보완하기위해흙이나 돌을사용하여보강하기도했다. 반대로土城이나石城에도부수적인방어시설로써적극활용되었다. 그리고처음에는 작은 규모의목책성으로 축조되었지만, 나중에增築되거나土·石城으로 改築된 경우도 있기 때문에 성의 변화와 발달과정을 살피는 데 큰 도움이 되고 있다. 삼국 중에는 백제의 목책이 가장 많이 기록되어 있어 설치된 위치와 축조배경, 목적 등을 파악하는 데 도움이 된다. 초기에는 樂浪이나 靺鞨의 침략을 방어하기 위해 길이 좁고 험한 교통로에 구축했고, 주요 국경지대에 설치되었다. 규모가 작은 목책성에는 10~100여 명이, 큰 곳에는수백명이주둔했으며, 성과성사이에는작은규모의목책성이, 성주위와성벽윗부분에 도 목책을 시설하여 방어력을 높였다. 구릉이나 평지에도 목책성이 축조되었으며, 오랫동안 운용된 곳도 있어 고대사 연구에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.

Wooden barricades have been produced by utilizing trees and plants in various forms all through the times from Bronze Age to Joseon Dynasty. Especially since Three Kingdoms Period, they had been built to defend people against invasion by the opponents. As wooden barricades had the merits to build quickly with small workforce, they had outstanding effectiveness economically. However, as they were weak to attack with fire or stone-throwing battles, and could be decayed due to seasonal influence, it was difficult to maintain them for a long term. Nonetheless, the Three Kingdoms had utilized wooden barricades for a long time and reinforced them with soil and stones. They were also actively utilized as an auxiliary facility for earthen or stone fortresses. They were helpful in investigating changes and development process of fortresses because they were originally built as a wooden fortress, but some of them were reconstructed to be an earthen or stone fortress. Among the ancient three kingdoms, Baekje Kingdom’s wooden barricades were recorded most in the literatures, which are helpful in figuring out the location, background of construction, and purpose of installation. They were built in narrow traffic routes to defend attacks from Nakrang or Malgal. They were bulit on the borderlines of the Three Kingdoms in the 3rd~4thcentury. 10~100 soldiers were stationed in a small-sized wooden fortress and hundreds of soldiers were stationed in a large-sized fortress. Small-sized log fence fortress was built between fortresses while wooden barricades were installed surrounded the fortress for the first protection. Since wooden fortress were built even on the hill or plain field, and they were maintained for a long time, they will be helpful for studying ancient history.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 문헌에 기록된 목책

Ⅲ. 목책의 축조배경과 목적

Ⅳ. 목책의 몇 가지 특징

Ⅴ. 맺음말
