농산물 6차산업 판촉행사에서 행사의 이해 및 제품만족, 판촉전략행위, 소비자 행동의도간의 구조관계 분석
Structural Relationships of the Consumers’ Understanding on the Event, Product Satisfaction, Promotional Strategies, and Behavioral Intention in a Promotional Event for Agricultural Diversification
This study aims to examine the structural relationships of the consumers’ understanding on the event, product satisfaction, promotional strategies, and behavioral intention in a promotional event for agricultural senary industry. The study conducted a survey among the participants in promotional events. The result showed that the understanding of promotional event had a positive effect on consumer behavioral intention, which means that the greater the understanding of The senary industry and the purpose of the event, the greater the consumer behavioral intention. The consumer satisfaction on products also had a positive effect on consumer behavioral intention, implying that the consumer behavioral intention increased when their satisfaction in terms of the taste and price of the products is higher. Further, the higher the satisfaction of the promotional strategy, the higher the consumer behavioral intention. Lastly, the promotional strategy played a mediating role between the consumer’s understanding of the event and the satisfaction of the product, and the consumer behavioral intention. The result suggests that the different promotional strategies including discounts, freebies, or free-samples are able to maximize the effect of promotional events through its mediating effect.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 고찰
3. 연구방법
4. 실증 분석
5. 결론