최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

中國 戰國時期 重要 戰爭의 고고학적 고찰

An archeological study on important wars in the Zhanguo period of China

  • 101

The great affairs of state in ancient China lies in ‘祀(sacrifice)’ and ‘戎(warfare)’. In other words, it was political judgment made by the ruling class that recognized the conduct of sacrifice and warfare as the key of affairs of state. This can be said to be a general phenomenon viewed from the history of civilization angle, which is shown not only in case of China but also in the initial state-building period. In the Zhanguo period of China, the situation was that conflict and warfare was inevitable because competition among states was severe. A description of warfare was an important material as a national history started to be recorded through the oracle bone script in the XiaShang period. After that time, approaches to and understanding of conflict and warfare in successive dynasties became ampler through documents as descriptions of warfare in the documents of ancient China became more specific and diverse. However, with regard to the material culture of the parties concerned with the conduct of real war, it was at a level of perceiving fragmentary situations mainly through private arms, saddlery, chariot fittings unearthed from ancient tomb, and iconographic materials including relief sculpture and mural painting. Real objects regarding a battlefield where a fierce battle was going on and spatial movement made in the conduct of real warfare could not become the center of attention. A large number of Pre-Qin documents mention that disputes and collisions occurring among states were very violent at that time in common, though there was a process of touch up in part. However, such some fields of battle were recently proved by archeological survey and excavation, which attracts attention from the academic world. This study is intended to archeologically examine the background to the outbreak of war and the present condition of battlefield where a specific battle was in progress through a study on recently surveyed Pre-Qin battlefield remains and unearthed relics and related documents. Though there is a limit to the quantitative accumulation of data, it is thought that newly produced archeological data in recent years can overcome limitations shown in the previous literature review, and it is regarded to be a chance to take a view of situation of war and conflict among respective feudal states in the ZHANGUO period in a new light different from previous one.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 전쟁의 현장과 관련 고고자료

1. 馬陵之戰 전장 유적

2. 長平之戰 전장 유적

3. 秦·漢 격전지 유적

Ⅲ. 맺음말-중국의 전쟁고고학에 대한 전망
