몇 가지 새싹 채소류의 발아와 소비자 선호도에 관한 연구
Studies on Germination and Preference for Consumers in Sprouts
- 인간식물환경학회
- 인간식물환경학회지(JPPE)
- 제14권 제2호
- 2011.04
- 93 - 101 (9 pages)
This research is about a study of customer preference of a few kinds of sprouts, of which are reflected by the growths of seeds, traits, tastes, odors, morphologies and colors. The results are the following. The cultivation of sprouts in gardening soil: On the seventh day after the initial seeding, red swiss chard had shown its growth to be 90%, barley 98%, pakchoi 98%, red radish 98% and alfalfa 47%. Alfalfa exhibited the relatively lower percentage of growth because it is not compatible to gardening soil. For red swiss chard, the color (4.3) presented the highest customer value, and the odor (3.4) showed the lowest customer value. For barley, the color (3.9) presented the highest customer value, and the taste (3.0) showed the lowest customer value. For pak choi, the morphology (3.9) and color (3.9) exhibited the highest customer value. The odor (3.6) and taste (3.7) obtained numerically similar values, of which both are considered high. For chinese mustard red, the color (3.8) exhibited the highest customer value. The morphology (3.7) and odor (3.6) exhibited the lowest customer value. For red radish, the morphology (4.0) and color (4.0) showed “good” customer responses. Nonetheless, the odor (3.5) and taste (3.5) indicated a value between “average” and “good.” For alfalfa, the morphology (3.4), odor (3.4) and taste (3.4) were “average” in customer responses. However, the color (3.5) appeared to have a value between “average” and “good.”
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 적요
Ⅴ. 인용문헌