최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

2011년도 환경부 인증 환경 체험교육의 현황과 제언

The State and Suggestion of Eco-experienced Education Based on the Ministry of Environment Certification Programs of 2011

  • 32

This study was written to understand the domestic state and suggest the direction of environmental experienced education. The study targets were the certified 31 environmental education programs by Ministry of Environment. For this investigation, we were searched on-line sites, references and materials. The 31 environmental education programs were classified according to types, indoor experience 1(13%), Outdoor experience 5(16%), Indoor+Outdoor experience 19(61%), Indoor experience+Lecture 3(10%), Outdoor experience+Lecture 3(10%). The program’s operating agencies were Local self-government 5(16%), National park 6(19%), Government affiliated organization 7(23%), Association 10(32%), Lifelong education organization 1(3%), Company 2(7%). The program’s participants were elementary school students 24(78%), middle school students 4(13%), adults 1(3%), kidㆍold ageㆍhandicapped other 2(6%), and the rate of programs by regions were Seoul, Gyeonggi 12(39%), Gangwon 4(13%), Chungcheong 5(16%), Gyeongsang 6(19%), Jeolla 3(10%), Jeju 1(3%). The rate of programs by educational cost were free 11(35%), 500~9,900 3(10%), 10,000~20,000 6(19%), 25,000~50,000 3(10%), 60,000~99,000 4(13%), 100,000~350,000 4(13%). For the better environmental education, first of all, we need to develop better and various program contents that participants can experience. And it should be supported from the government. Finally, the ‘eco-education center’ should be established that can combine local environmental education systems.


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 적요

Ⅴ. 인용문헌
