최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

경도인지장애에서 인지 훈련가에 따른 인지훈련프로그램의 효과

Efficacy of Cognitive Intervention Program for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment according to Cognitive Trainers

DOI : 10.47825/jkgp.2019.23.1.20
  • 269

Objective:The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of cognitive training and cognitive trainer on cognitive function in persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Methods:A randomized controlled single blind trial with 2 treatment groups was designed and 40 participants were included in this study. They received cognitive training intervention by cognitive professional and non-professional. The cognitive training focused on memory strategies. This cognitive intervention consisted of 8 sessions training and once a week. The effect of program was examined in performance-based measures of cognitive abilities; memory, language, constructional praxis, attention, and working memory. The comparison of effect of trainer was examined by repeated measure analysis of variance. Results:Thirty-six MCI completed the cognitive intervention and was assessed neurocognitive test on pre- and post-interven- tion. Attention, language inhibition and semantic language were significantly improved compared with baseline in total group. The memory (p=0.003) was significantly improved in Professional Program Group and attention (p=0.007) was significantly improved in Non-Professional Program Group (NPG). Distinctively, Korean version of Short form of Geriatric Depression Scale mean score in NPG was statistically improved from 4.24 to 3.29 (p=0.018) after intervention, but the comparison between groups was not significant. Conclusion:This study shows that the cognitive intervention program may improve on memory, attention and language in cognitive functions of MCI. But there is difference in improvement of the domains of cognitive abilities depending on the trainer.

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