최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

호텔 옥상정원 이용자의 만족도와 선호도

User Satisfaction and Preference of the Hotel Roof Garden

  • 100

With the city of Seoul undergoing rapid urban development in the last decade, rooftop green projects have been expanding continuously with support that started from the city of Seoul. This research was conducted to analyze the current usage of roof gardens and stimulate development of new roof gardens. From rooftop gardens of three hotels selected in Seoul and Incheon, customer satisfaction and preferences were examined and this research intended to propose renovation plans for roof gardens. From the analysis of customer satisfaction, C Hotel and P Hotel that are located in the downtown area were found to have lower satisfaction regarding the number of plants and plant variety when they were compared with H Hotel in Incheon. Analysis of user preference revealed that an ideal green space would hold cultural, community events, provide space and opportunities for physical exercise, and serve any other multiple purposes. This research, which examined user satisfaction and preferences for hotel rooftop gardens, intends to provide an effective plan for the structure of rooftop gardens and suggest useful renovation ideas. Lastly, it is concluded that a green area that is not only beautifully decorated but serves multiple functions as a cultural, socializing and relaxing space is highly capable of stimulating the popularity and use of rooftop gardens.


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 적요

Ⅴ. 인용문헌
