교육프로그램이 도시농업 활성화에 미치는 효과 연구
A Study on the Effects of Education Program on Urban Agriculture Activation
- 인간식물환경학회
- 인간식물환경학회지(JPPE)
- 제16권 제6호
- 2013.12
- 463 - 471 (9 pages)
In this study, the survey was conducted with targets of urban farmers and general people participating in urban agriculture education, and promotional direction and activation methods of future urban agriculture education were investigated through comparison of difference in recognition between two groups. First, since a container vegetable garden is the method in which urban people install a container vegetable garden and relatively easily cultivate vegetables, it is the method of urban agriculture which urban people who do not have any farming experience can make relatively easy access to it. The education of container vegetable garden cultivation is the course to acquire the basic knowledge of cultivation which is the most required to them, and it will give a substantial help to conduct agriculture practice in urban life. In the future, technique guidance and monitoring establishment are required to resolve the questions and problems that they encounter in the course of urban garden cultivating vegetables in the future. Second, the urban farmer school consists of a program to systematically obtain agriculture techniques for vegetable garden by giving theoretical education and practical training for cultivation of vegetable garden and the instructional program to understand agricultural knowledge ranging from occurrence background of urban agriculture to the flow of modern agriculture. In addition, since it consists of a program to help understand the general urban agriculture rather than a simple education of cultivation technique, it shows a good educational effect and it needs continuous education. Follow up studies are needed on urban agricultural policy measures in which the city has the vitality and local members communicate to each other through discussions on a variety of agreements such as agriculture, environment, ecosystem and community rather than a simple cultivation in the city through practice of urban agriculture.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 적요
Ⅴ. References