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스프레이 국화의 화아분화 및 생육에 미치는 LED 파장의 영향

Flower Bud Initiation and Growth Characteristics according to Wavelength Treatments of LED in Spray Chrysanthemums

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This study conducted to examine flower bud initiation and growth characteristics according to wavelength treatments of LED in spray chrysanthemums. It was processed 4 hours (22-02 o’clock) night break using LED 590, 610, 630, 660, 680 nm and fluorescent (mixed light of 480+540+610 nm) in chrysanthemum cv. ‘Pink Pride’ and ‘Yes Song’ for 40 days from transplanting. The days to flower budding and flowering from short-day treatment in ‘Pink Pride’ were longer at fluorescent (14.9 days, 67.7 days) and LED 660 nm (14.7days, 66.7 days) treatments than other treatments. Similarly, the days to flower budding from short-day treatment in ‘Yes Song’ was the longest at fluorescent (15.0 days) and LED 660 nm (15.1 days) treatments. But, as to the days to flowering from short-day treatment in ‘Yes Song’, the fluorescent (53.0 days) treatment was the longest, and LED 660 nm (51.5 days) treatment was secondly to longer than other treatments. The plant height increment to flower budding stage from short-day treatment in ‘Pink Pride’ and ‘Yes Song’ were the longest at fluorescent treatment, and the second longest at LED 660 nm treatment. The result on length of cut flower in spray chrysanthemum two cultivars was similarly shown to above results. In the other characteristic except length of cut flower, the clear difference between treatments could not be found. Consequently, fluorescent and LED 660 nm treatment were considered to be the most effective on inhibition of flower bud initiation and flowering, and plant height growth in ‘Pink Pride’ and ‘Yes Song’.


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 적요

Ⅴ. References
