최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

지역 커뮤니티형성을 위한 고령자의 녹색환경 디자인 지원방향

Supporting Senior Citizens with Green Environmental Design for Local Community Development

  • 35

With coming an aged society, building relationship that allows mutual exchanges and dependence as well as quality improvement of living environment and local community is required. Thus this research aims to provide physical and social directions of support for environmental design including education, activity and spatial, tool design, plant plan needs regarding green environment in diverse methods such as vegetable gardens, parks and urban farming by applying green environmental design to residence and community. Spatial coverage of this research includes 2 vegetable gardens which were previously deserted houses, and the research was conducting with the support of plan preparation and of setting up the target site as well as analyzed activities of senior citizen participants older than 65. The education for the differentiated area, which the subject engage, from existing botanical education or the way to provide work environment was executed as well as participating in designing work space, organizing activity space, and building available executive group. The results show that it was meaningful in that it built physical and social foundations of the green environment. Such support also led to improved communication and community of residents. In terms of physical green environmental design support for senior citizens, realization of gardening foundations such as earth, flower beds, and planter as well as design guide of space and tools and development of guidelines in consideration of their physical conditions would be required. For social green environmental design support, training of plant resources based on visual classes and training site, along with spatial design, landscape design training through use of appropriate tools would have to be mainly supported in early stage. Also, after organizing community for utilization and management, phased and selective social green environmental support such as annual planting plan, related technical training, improvement of added values, access to capital, utilization of idle manpower will be needed.


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 적요

Ⅴ. References
