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커버이미지 없음

그린인테리어의 색상 및 형태에 대한 선호도 및 감성 이미지

Preference and Image Perception for Color and Shape in Green Interior

  • 102

This study analyzed the questionnaire of 279 participants which counted 26 cases out of total 305 participants. It is organized to find out the influence of indoor-plants for green interior of psychological effect, general awareness and the color or shape of indoor-plants in dining/living area to the preference of consumers and emotional image. 74.6% of participants had the experience of purchasing the indoor-plants for green interior. As the result of general awareness of green interior, the most important factor when the green interior was organized was the shape of plants and the most selected possible amount of investment to the installation was less than 100,000 won which is not high enough. As the result of investigation on participant’s awareness of effect of indoor-plant, 99.3% of participants which was the highest portion answered ‘Indoor-plants improve the psychological stability’ from the selection of five kinds of indoor-plant’s effects. More than 50% of participants showed high interests to the green interior in dining/living area as they selected ‘Preferred’. Decoration of cut-flower and eruption are preferred as the design of dining area. The preference order of 5 types of colors for green interior was white> green> pink> yellow> red and showed significant difference. As the result of investigation on color sensitivity of green-interior area with Standard Deviation method, white and green stimulus group highly shows the emotion of “Clam” and “Comfortable”. In addition, red and pink stimulus group feels hard the emotion, “Fancy”. Cut flower decoration was highly preferred when living area is decorated with 76.6%. Also, there was significant difference in the shapes of green interior in living area with the order of horizontal> round>vertical. According to the result of study on emotional difference with green interior of living area with Standard Deviation, horizontal way has “Calm”, “Comfortable” while vertical provides “Heavy” and “Strong”. This study tries to provide the useful and positive possibility of design direction and improvement of consumption of indoor green-interior by understanding of psychological effect and awareness of indoor-plan.


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 적요

Ⅴ. References
