최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

Urban Tree Canopy Classification Using Remote Sensing

  • 6

Tree canopy is a valuable component consisting of urban ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to classify urban tree canopy (UTC) by using high resolution imagery and object-oriented classification (OOC), which was used to classify the different land cover types. With an urban canopy mapping system based on OOC and Decision Tree Classification (DTC), a site mapping was carried out by merging spectral data of high resolution imagery. This methodological approach showed high classification accuracy to distinguish small patches and continuous UTC boundaries on the high resolution imagery. For shadow removal, decision tree classification with various environmental variables such as brightness channel and band combination could effectively work. Our proposed methodology can be successfully used for the assessment and restoration of fragmented urban ecosystem and offer an opportunity to obtain high classification accuracy for the distinction of UTC components in urban landscape areas.


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Methods of the study

Ⅲ. Conclusions and considerations

Ⅳ. Summary

Ⅴ. References
