최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

A Study on the Analysis of Garden Elements in Rural Community Resting Areas

  • 7

During recent decades, considerable amount of attention and resources have been invested to promote community vitalization and develop areas that are suitable for gardening in close proximities to cities. Frequent occurrences and wide-spread public events based on the gardening theme today such as garden show are prominent examples of such social tendencies. However contrarily to popular beliefs, such efforts have been very marginally realized in rural areas, in which tools and natural elements necessary for growing and cultivating plants are already in place. In reality, production-oriented life-style in modern rural society has degraded recreational aspects of living standards of rural habitants. And thus, implementation of the gardening space holds important merit and is a necessity to vitalize community in rural areas. In this work, we performed an extensive survey on rural community resting area garden elements that were previously established since 1990s. In particular, we look into garden elements of whether functionalities of such facilities are adequate to provide suitable gardening spaces. This manuscript consists of two major parts (1) identifying constituent elements for gardens and (2) analysis of garden elements in existing community resting areas for its conversion to a community garden. Ultimately, identifying necessities for gardening and finding proper locales are two of the most important steps in implementation community garden in rural areas. As the result, rural community resting area is proper to community garden because most of them has a good accessibility. But garden elements improvement such as flower bed except for convenience facilities and plants planning for four season garden is needed for improving the resting area.


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Research method

Ⅲ. Conclusion and considerations

Ⅳ. Summary

Ⅴ. References
