유아를 대상으로 한 동화책에 표현된 원예요소 분석
Analysis of Horticultural Elements in Fairytale Books for Children
- 인간식물환경학회
- 인간식물환경학회지(JPPE)
- 제19권 제3호
- 2016.06
- 209 - 216 (8 pages)
In order to analyze the horticultural elements expressed in fairy tale books for preschoolers, a total of 318 books were analyzed from the top 150 books borrowed at the Seoul City Children’s Public Library and the books classified at the three major online bookstores in Korea. Horticultural elements were largely classified into horticultural plants, horticultural activities, and information of authors. The result pursuant to the classification based on horticulture appeared to be highest for flowering trees 77%, and the instances in which the name of the plants appeared in writing in the stories appeared to be 36% and regarding the diversity of plants, appearance of six species or more occupied the highest ratio. As a result of analyzing the weight of horticultural elements expressed in fairy tale books, there appeared to be a total of 56 books in which the horticultural elements were expressed 100%. The horticultural elements expressed in fairy tale books mostly appeared to be highly expressed when the author had horticultural experience. According to the result of this research, the expression frequency of horticultural elements appeared to be high overall, but it has been appeared passive expressions.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 자료의 분석
Ⅳ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅴ. 적요
Ⅵ. References